Whether you are moving house and need to rid yourself of some needless artifacts or whether it’s the time to create some space in your home, de-cluttering can be hugely rewarding. However, like anything else, there’s a right and a wrong way to do it.
Here at Space Centre self storage, we are happy to hand out some useful tips on how to best go about de-cluttering. We can also provide a unit, of any size, to help store those items that you refuse to throw away. You might need some space on a short term basis, to welcome home your kids for the summer holidays or you might have chosen to hire out one of those spare rooms to earn some extra money.
Here are 8 leading tips from the professionals on de-cluttering
1) De-cluttering is hard, so you need to be strong. It might be best to throw away those football programmes from five years ago and just remember your promotion season instead.
2) Whatever happens, do not go and buy new shelving and simply pile up your belongings. It’s called organising your clutter. You might think this is OK in the short term, but by filling a room in this way you could be making it look smaller, which is off-putting to potential buyers.
3) There is often a sense of guilt if you throw away a family heirloom. Here are some stress-free options: Give it to a family member, sell the item and donate the proceeds to the relative’s favourite charity, have the item remade into something you like, give the item to someone else in your family who will appreciate it or simply collect your antiques together and contact your local self storage centre where you can store the items in secure damp free units.
4) Ditch those clothes that don’t fit. Don’t hoard them and hope that come next year, they will all fit. Remember, lose any items that aren’t flattering and bin any items that make you cringe! You can sell, donate and throw the rest.
5) How many people do you know who love to pile up magazines. Endless copies of Horse and Hound, Rugby World or Cosmopolitan. Why? Once you’ve read them, put them in the recycling bin and create some space.
6) De cluttering your office is essential. After all, offices are notorious for looking messy. Make sure papers are organised in files, or scanned and kept on your computer. Keep stationery in drawers. You might also want to consider a small unit to store those files you need to keep, by law, but might never need to use.
7) You shouldn’t keep unwanted gifts. If you have no use for them, don’t keep them. You could pass them on to someone who needs the item or send them to a charity shop. Boxes of unused and unwanted items in your spare room look messy and unappealing.
8) Books are not as straightforward as magazines or kids’ comics. We read them and tend to hold on to them. The problem is that they take up space. Be strong, donate them to a charity shop or put them on eBay. Books were made to be read, not stored in a box.
If you have any thoughts about de-cluttering let us know by posting a comment here or by contacting us at https://www.spacecentreselfstorage.co.uk