You’ve decided that you need some sort of business storage but perhaps you’re not sure how to organise the items that will be stored. This simple guide will give you a few helpful ideas, enabling you to maximise space, keep your goods in excellent condition and make it easy to find what you need when the time comes.
You may wish to use archive boxes to keep your goods in. If so, keep heavy items at the bottom and lighter items at the top. Don’t overfill your boxes or it will be difficult to transport and shift your boxes around. Label them carefully and keep an inventory so you know where everything is and leave a walkway if you are using a large storage unit so you can easily access boxes at the back as well as those nearer the front. Boxes can be stacked on the floor or kept in racks to free up space and make it easier to find what you are looking for.
Hanging shelves
If you have a lot of paperwork you may wish to use hanging shelves and filing cabinets in your archive storage unit. If your business produces large volumes of paperwork that needs to be stored for a fixed period of time (such as tax, health and safety, legal and employee records) but you don’t have space in your office or work premises, this is a great way to ensure that your paper files are kept secure and in excellent condition. Using a business storage unit is particularly useful if you have confidential records. Make sure papers are put back in the right place if you need to remove them for any reason. It may help to keep a book to record items that are removed or added to the files and who did so nearby.
Mobile shelving
Designed to make the best use of your storage space, mobile shelving will give you easy access to your goods and free up space to store other items. If you use mobile shelving effectively you can either halve the space needed to store your goods or double your storage capacity. Using mobile shelving can help to increase retrieval times, improving productivity and workflow. The key will be to label items carefully and to keep a detailed inventory so you know when items have been added or retrieved. Mobile shelving is a great solution for a range of items such as media storage, museum storage and medical record storage. As it is sturdy, it will keep your goods together and protected, ensuring that paperwork, delicate files and other items will not deteriorate over time.
Why use Space Centre Self Storage?
At Space Centre Self Storage our units are temperature-controlled and extremely secure, giving you peace of mind that your paper records are safe and can be accessed as and whenever you need them without taking up valuable office space. We have large archive storage units if you have a lot to store as well as much smaller spaces if you only have a few boxes or filing cabinets to tuck away. We can also provide tips on storing and labelling your items so that you can get the most out of your business storage unit.
Give us a call today if you are looking to free up office space and make sure your records are secure. Our contracts are flexible and our prices are affordable, giving you peace of mind without breaking the bank.
Image Copyright: mch67 / 123RF Stock Photo