It’s time to consider swapping from hats and gloves to summer stock and if you’re prepared, good things will happen. Although stock storage for seasonal trade mostly applies to smaller retailers and market traders, everyone can benefit from self storage.
For many businesses, sales from previous years dictate the amount and variety of additional stock orders. If you’re a start-up, no matter how much research you do there will always be an element of guesswork. At the point when you need more stock, you also have to find a safe place to store it.
Bigger businesses tend to have warehouse space which means they don’t have to rely on self storage units as much.
Stock Storage And Seasonal Trade
Keeping all that in mind, effective planning and stock storage practices can save any type of business loads of money. It all comes down to storing your seasonal goods correctly to avoid damage so it can be re-used. This of course applies to non-perishable goods and stock that will still be in fashion next season.
If you correctly stored last season’s summer stock, it should be in great condition to go back on the shelves. Experienced traders know the drill but if you’re new to summer/winter markets and fairs, here are some essential tips.
Identify Events Close To Amenities
There are likely to be a few major events throughout the year depending on the season so choose wisely. Ask yourself whether your target audience is likely to attend the market. Look at local listings and find a location close to points of interest. A really good place to start is next to a café or near the toilets. Foot traffic will not be in short supply at these locations.
Get An Early Start And Set Up For Success
Arrive at the location as early as possible to get the best spot and set up in time. Being prepared is vital and a late start could mean losing the best spots and having to set up while everyone else is already busy.
It may seem obvious but your stall needs to attract attention close-up and from a distance. Testing how presentable your stall is from about 25 feet should give you a good indication. Everything is about sales and giving people quality products and a memorable experience. Don’t miss out on this by not setting up your stall in the best possible way
Have A Plan In Place
Like any other event or function, you need to make sure you plan ahead and be prepared for anything. Create a checklist of all the essentials you’ll need to run your stall. Things like tables, chairs, banners, carrier bags, a gazebo or notepads among others need to be ready before trading starts.
If you’ve been trading for long, figures from last year will give you an indication of stock requirements and pricing. New seasonal traders and those attending specific events that don’t happen often, just know your pricing model and move your stock effectively. This way you avoid losing money by running out of stock or leaving with too much stock you can’t sell later.
Finance and Pricing
You may require additional finance if you’re planning for a big event or seasonal market during Christmas. These just seem to get bigger and more popular every year. Short-term finance is always an option to pay for the event, hire additional staff or extra stock just in case.
Do thorough research and make sure you price your goods just right. Remember, people mostly come to their local markets to find bargains, not to pay full retail price. Don’t overcharge customers to make a few extra pounds but don’t go too low and mess with your bottom line. Clearly label all your goods with the correct prices so customers don’t have to keep asking you for a price.
Although seasonal markets are about the customer, it’s just as much about networking with other traders. Make a plan during set up to have a chat with the traders around you. It’s a great way to learn tricks of the trade, share knowledge and even offer trade discounts or discuss future business opportunities. Not only that, seasonal markets are a wonderful way to be part of your local community and get to know locals in a different setting.
Stock Storage
This relates directly to your seasonal trade stock. If you’re buying in bulk to get a better deal or stock planning for next year, do you have space to store everything? We do not recommend storing stock at home, in the garage or shed. Anything can happen with stacking too high or squeezing things into all sorts of spaces. It can result in damage which means unsold goods and ultimately reduced profit.
Effective stock storage remains one of the most essential elements to running a successful event. Consider renting a self storage unit for correct packing and storage to avoid stock damage. Self storage gives you peace of mind knowing your stock is safe, dry and out of the way. Our drive-up units also make it super easy to load and unload.
At Space Centre Self Storage, we guarantee our prices for 12 months and you don’t pay extra for moving to a smaller or larger storage unit. Not many self storage providers can say the same. Give us a call to find out your storage options in Bristol, Stroud and Gloucester.